Statistical Modeling
And Data Validation made Easy for Research Scholars And Analytics Professionals
10th March, 2015
Statistical methods are used very extensively in many
business domains, sociology, economics and in the scientific domains like life
sciences, and so on. More than 70% research projects use quantitative methods. Quantitative
research involving statistical methodologies may start with collection of a
large amount of data - may be based upon a hypothesis, a theory or it may even
result from financial transactions involving credit cards and other data
sources. This kind of data is called raw data and it usually needs recording,
verification and validation before it can be used for any further analysis.
Data analytics needs a scientific approach towards problem solving. The typical steps involved are
- Identification of data sources
- Data collection and recording it in a homogeneous form like relational database tables. The data recording methodologies may differ very from one research project to another.
- Verification, validation and cleaning of data
- Model, theories or hypothesis generation
- Validation of model
- Drawing analysis inferences
Let’s discuss a couple of practical examples to get a feel
of what we are talking about. In clinical trials, for example, a team of new
drug developers might be interested in the study of drug intake and measurable
physiological effects like weight loss, the efficacy of a particular drug in
preventing a disease in humans and so on. Another example can be a structured social
media survey on what is the general perception of section business
professionals on the effectiveness of big data in solving their supply chain
problems. The day-to-day weather prediction is also based upon the collection
of vast amounts of data on the parameters like temperature, concentration of
dust particles and other gases, and so on.
A new book that makes modelling and applying many other
statistical methods very easy
Here is the content of this book, titled, Practical Business Analytics Using SAS
About the Authors
Preface .................................................................................................................xxiii
■ Part 1:
Basics of SAS Programming for Analytics .............................. 1
■ Chapter 1: Introduction to Business
Analytics and Data Analysis Tools ...............3
■ Chapter 2: SAS Introduction
■ Chapter 3: Data Handling Using SAS
■ Chapter 4: Important SAS Functions
and Procs .................................................. 95
■ Part 2: Using
SAS for Business Analytics .....................................................
■ Chapter 5: Introduction to
Statistical Analysis .................................................... 147
■ Chapter 6: Basic Descriptive
Statistics and Reporting in SAS ........................... 165
■ Chapter 7: Data Exploration,
Validation, and Data Sanitization ........................ .197
■ Chapter 8: Testing of Hypothesis
■ Chapter 9: Correlation and Linear
Regression ................................................... 295
■ Chapter 10: Multiple Regression
Analysis .......................................................... 351
■ Chapter 11: Logistic Regression
......................................................................... 401
■ Chapter 12: Time-Series Analysis and
Forecasting ............................................ 441
■ Chapter 13: Introducing Big Data
Analytics ...................................................... ..509
..................................................................................................................... ..541
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